The Aquarium
I don't think one should underestimate the fun of a good aquarium. You can put on your spectacles, stick your nose up to the glass, and study a creature you might never see otherwise. Pronounce its hyphenated latin name and you feel like you're half way to a profession as a marine biologist. I don't think that visiting an aquarium just appeals to intellectuals, though. An aquarium can be oddly soothing. This one was barely lit in some places. It was a pretty neat atmosphere--like turning off all the lights in a city to enjoy the glowing stars. I put on my headphones, chose a mellow set of tunes, and glided slowly through the darkness, surrounded on all sides by billowing pink tentacles of sea anemonies, silver flashes of fish swimming by, the neon glow of the tiny jellyfish orbiting their tank, and the soothing feeling of calm water. Can you think of a more relaxing way to spend your day? Its like the beach, only instead of the blazing sun, sticking sand, and slimy sunscrean you get when you're above the water, you get all the joys that Sebastian sings about under the sea.
(Cute, right? This little hide-and-go-seek loving fish was sizing me up for a while, burying itself in its protector before cautiously swimming out to get a better look.)
I didn't take part in the dancing or fish petting, but I did spend some time in the movie theatre. I thought that their choice of film--a National Geographic documentary on sharks--was a little graphic for the kiddies just in from the other fun activities, but it was good nonetheless. I don't know how long I was in there, but this wasn't the normal 20 minute museum film. I outlasted both of my friends who entered the theatre with me. Between the film and the fish, though, I probably spent a little over two hours in the aquarium. I'd say that the price is a little steep--15 euros with a student discount--but if you like aquariums its a nice way to spend the afternoon.
I like aquariums and I love National Geographic movies. Glad you had a nice serene day with your friends. By the way, the little orange fish hiding from you was probably a clown fish.